Let’s go forward presenting the artists who have recently joined the Storytellers for Peace project.
Alphabetically, today’s protagonist is Sarah Cattani.
On her interesting work I have already written in the past here.
Here is what she writes of herself on her website: When is the best moment to quit your job, get rid of all the things you gathered throughout the years and leave to travel the world? I really don’t know, but at some point I decided that the time is now!
I was curious about the world since a child and figured exploring it, in every possible way, would be the right thing to do, and so I did. After a career in art, culture and social related documentaries for television and radio for almost 10 years in my hometown Luxembourg, editorial work for a magazine that connects visual arts and sustainability, creative work for exhibitions and video installations, I decided to leave everything behind and started my personal journey around the globe.
If you ask me today : “Where would you wanna be right now, if you could be anywhere? “ The answer would definitely be “here and now”. And as long as that’s my answer, I know that I am exactly where I should be and that makes me happy and content every single day.
Life is now, and that’s the only truth there is...
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