Thursday, December 3, 2015

What if fairies do exist by Lidia Ruiz - Olabautyú

Hello everybody!
I liked very much this video by Lydia Ruiz, Olabautyú (I adore this word…).
The title is What if fairies do exist?
Even if using nice special effects, you may watch a clip full of real life and memories.
However, the story is told as if it was all magical.
Well, in my humble opinion, this is the proper magic power of a storyteller.
Of the strongest ones, I mean.
I think that who desires to create and share stories is a person able to see fantastic things where all see ordinary stuff.
As a fairy.
You might think of a crazy mind, now, but that is a good one, believe me.
In the same time, the enchanted power is so real.
I am speaking about the capacity of transforming your vision to a story where people will see the magic they miss.
Here is the official website of Olabautyú.
Did I say I adore this word?

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  1. Thank you very much, Alessandro! You leave me without words... :D You have made my day!

    1. You are welcome, Lydia, thank you, I'm glad you appreciated it. Anyway, I think you deserved, your clip made my day too. ;)
