Friday, July 3, 2015

Global Storytellers (Globale Historiefortællere)

Well, I have to share this, because that is perfectly near to my work and the idea of what a modern storytelling should be.
I am talking about the main concept of Global Storytellers (Globale Historiefortællere).
Here is their Youtube Channel description: G. S. provide stories that explores the most important challenges we face currently in the World in order to understand, seek solutions and suggest answers. Global Storytellers are Danish and International students at Danish Folk High Schools that wants to communicate with their fellow youth generation and join the debate.
In my modest opinion that is a so good purpose.
Storytelling may be a very powerful instrument to understand, as they say, world facts, listening others and confronting different points of view.
A story is already a mixture of little tales, that can only be better if contaminated by far and diverse ones.
And, maybe, even if a fruit of imagination it may reach the truth horizon more than so-called great mass media.

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