Wonderful! A short video of mine was officially selected for In-Short Film Festival 2018:
When the poor see us (Italian storytelling with English subtitles)
Storytelling Stories
Around the world
Friday, December 14, 2018
Friday, December 7, 2018
UDHR 70th anniversary VIDEO from Storytellers for Peace
The 10th of December 2018 we will celebrate the 70th
Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Storytellers for Peace, an international network born in 2016, formed by storytellers who tell stories through clips, made a special one for this great occasion.
The artists, as much the tales, come from all over the world and speak about justice, equality, human rights and peace.
The project was created and is coordinated by Alessandro Ghebreigziabiher, author, playwright, storyteller and stage actor from Italy.
Human rights regard all of us, not only artists or activists.
That’s why, Storytellers for Peace have involved in their new video also colleagues, relatives, friends, or anyone else who wanted to join the work.
Because, more than ever today, we have to say that this wonderful Declaration is still the best words we have.
The 30 articles are told in their respective first language from 31 artists, educators, teachers, journalists, or just persons who care about human rights from all over the world (the video is subtitled in English):
Storytellers for Peace, an international network born in 2016, formed by storytellers who tell stories through clips, made a special one for this great occasion.
The artists, as much the tales, come from all over the world and speak about justice, equality, human rights and peace.
The project was created and is coordinated by Alessandro Ghebreigziabiher, author, playwright, storyteller and stage actor from Italy.
Human rights regard all of us, not only artists or activists.
That’s why, Storytellers for Peace have involved in their new video also colleagues, relatives, friends, or anyone else who wanted to join the work.
Because, more than ever today, we have to say that this wonderful Declaration is still the best words we have.
The 30 articles are told in their respective first language from 31 artists, educators, teachers, journalists, or just persons who care about human rights from all over the world (the video is subtitled in English):
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Storytellers for Peace video World Storytelling Day 2018
World Storytelling Day 2018
Theme: “Wise Fools”
Storytellers for Peace
World Storytelling Day is celebrated every year around March 20.
In 2018 the theme is Wise Fools.
After Rudyard Kipling’s If, Imagine, Human Rights Day 2016, World Storytelling Day 2017, and International Day of Nonviolence 2017, here is the new clip from Storytellers for Peace.
Ten artists from all over the world tell their stories about the Wise Fools speaking in their first language (with English subtitles):
Info: http://www.storytellersforpeace.com/
Friday, September 29, 2017
International Non-Violence Day 2017 video

After Rudyard Kipling’s If, Imagine, Human Rights Day and World Storytelling Day, we have the fifth clip made by the international network Storytellers for Peace.
On 15 June 2007 the United Nations chose the 2 October as the International Day of Non-Violence.
Did storytelling support non-violence? And how?
Storytellers for Peace group tell their answers in their first language (with English subtitles).
Website: http://www.storytellersforpeace.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StorytellersforPeace/
Thursday, April 27, 2017
TAKS Community Art Centre
Today I’m glad to write about the TAKS Community Art Centre, from Gulu, Northern Uganda.
This a great initiative from Africa, that has such a wonderful Mission Statement: To engage the
people of Northern Uganda in the creative Arts so that they can reaffirm the richness of their culture, reassert their humanity, reestablish the value of their education, take pride in themselves and develop the skills which will help them find new options for their lives and eventually employment.
I think that is a very noble project and I visited the Youtube Channel too.
In particular, I appreciated the promotional video, but moreover the idea of sharing personal storytelling about women with a lot of memories to give, like Abwoyo Alice.
From the clip description: Most African people have always been convinced that when it comes to matters of serious brain work, it is only men who can handle them. However, with most traditions and cultures relaxing under the weight of development and enlightenment, women started gaining more access onto the public domain, exercising their God-given talents and qualities, hence proving such ancient beliefs wrong.
In Africa, oral transmission of tradition and culture has been the major means of preserving culture. However, this is almost totally phased out due to the various means of communication, precursor by writing. This explains why many traditional African societies lost their cultures. In Acholi sub-region, it is usually the elderly men who carry such wealth of the olden tradition, rich in knowledge and information. But one exceptional woman has beaten the odds and come out to show what a wealth of information she is to the people.
Official website
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This a great initiative from Africa, that has such a wonderful Mission Statement: To engage the
people of Northern Uganda in the creative Arts so that they can reaffirm the richness of their culture, reassert their humanity, reestablish the value of their education, take pride in themselves and develop the skills which will help them find new options for their lives and eventually employment.
I think that is a very noble project and I visited the Youtube Channel too.
In particular, I appreciated the promotional video, but moreover the idea of sharing personal storytelling about women with a lot of memories to give, like Abwoyo Alice.
From the clip description: Most African people have always been convinced that when it comes to matters of serious brain work, it is only men who can handle them. However, with most traditions and cultures relaxing under the weight of development and enlightenment, women started gaining more access onto the public domain, exercising their God-given talents and qualities, hence proving such ancient beliefs wrong.
In Africa, oral transmission of tradition and culture has been the major means of preserving culture. However, this is almost totally phased out due to the various means of communication, precursor by writing. This explains why many traditional African societies lost their cultures. In Acholi sub-region, it is usually the elderly men who carry such wealth of the olden tradition, rich in knowledge and information. But one exceptional woman has beaten the odds and come out to show what a wealth of information she is to the people.
Official website
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